
Thursday 25 June 2020

Reading W1 T2

This week for writing my goal was about making connections.

What was your goal?
Did you enjoy lock down?

Writing T2 W5

For writing I wrote a narrative .
we had to pick a picture from Pobble 365 
here is my narrative

What do you like to wright about when you get a narrative task?

Reading T2 W5

For reading I forgot to blog about my learning.
In week 5 of T2 I read about the Mandela effect. or goal was about challenge the text and question the author. To complete this task we had to make  a D L O that included a summery of the text and questions for the author. 

What questions do you have for the author of this text?

Wednesday 24 June 2020

Reading W11 T2

For reading we did reading between the line(inferences) we had to pick one book out of the four choises we had I chose how to fall.
here is my DLO

Can you read between the lines?

Maths W11 T2

This week for math we were in our home basses bye Wednesday we had to complete three tasks here are mine!
Task one:

Task two:
I had to find out if the paper pattern would make an open box or not.
For my second task I used polydrons to help me.

Task three: 
For my third task I had to use theses shapes
then turn it into this

I than did the same thing with these shapes
 and turned it into a cube
Than I had to draw theses onto isometric paper

What are you doing in Maths?
do some time do Maths in your home basses?

Wednesday 17 June 2020


For reading my goal was Identify text events and features, and discuss what they make the reader think about.
for our task we had to read a book called thirst than we used this template we had to include four language features. I have filled out and finished

" />

What do think the story is about?

Writing week 10

For writing we worked on narrative that had to include:
similes, onomatopoeia, metaphor, personification and hyperbole
Here are some of my sentences

Deep down in the dark woods there's a mother tree guarded by 7 wolfs that swing like monkeys and are as brave as lions. But one night all the other animals disappeared the beastly wolfs got hungry they could eat 10 sharks each.

They stared at the  sparkling stars shine in the sky.
They could see the sun through the trees peeping over the distant mountains the wolfs woke up with roaring belly's. There is life still here it's an ant it won’t be much help. An ant is good enough for me said on of the wolves looking at his belly. You could see their ribs showing through their thick fluffy fur. Night time came by in a second. 

The wolves were getting restless. Bang! It sounded like something had fallen.  They went to the mother tree to check up on her and ask for help but as soon as they got there she was gone only a stump left who would do such a thing.

The wolf's  lay on the stump as all their childhood memories flood back remembering how se raised and adopted them.
She was there happy place she was a she was like a sun filled with light and joy.

can you spot any of the similes, onomatopoeia, metaphor, personification and hyperbole?


This week I got my rounding and compensation part of my goal ticked off.
I have made a D.L.O.

Has this made rounding and compensating easier for you?

Friday 12 June 2020

French greetings!

For the past two weeks in languages I have been learning french I have been taught by my teacher madame Wilson. 
This week in french we had to make a conversation between two people
I animated a slide with speech bubbles off a conversation than I translated it to English on the next slide here is what I made.

Did you already know how to speak french?
Did you learn any thing new?

Writing W7

In writing I made narrative story using complex, compound and short sentences. use this photo

In our writing workshop we also looked at using a shade o meter witch is to see if a word is more or less than.
Here is a snip it of my story.
Just another scorching hot day in paradise. Me, Grace, Megan and Eilish all won a trip to paradise bay. Megan and I raced down to the beach, while EIlish and Grace went for a quick stroll through the bush.
Then boom something came flying from the sky but couldn’t get through as if there was a shield of some sort.
I looked around but no one seemed to notice, it’s as if I was the only one who saw it, like I was imagining things.
“Megan did you see that” I asked her,  “yea I saw that bird fly in and take your sandwich how rude” she replied then she started babbling about something else but I didn’t quite catch it as my attention was focused at something else it looks like meteorite, I think, could it be, What might be in it I had so many questions as I glared at the rocky object. Just as I started to walk in to touch it Megan grabbed my arm and asked me what I was doing. I turned back but did not see the rock just Grace and Eilish looking at me weirdly. It was official I was going crazy. “What are you doing” asked Grace with a very confused tone. “Umm just running to say hi to you how was it did you see heaps of cool things tell me everything”. 
As we walked back to the small hut with Megan and Eilish right behind Grace told me...

What do you think happened next?
can you guess where all the short sentences are?

Maths W7

In math we had to make a DLO (digital kearning object) about our goal: using a broad range of strategies to solve multiplication and division problems with whole numbers and decimals. I made a slide showing how to a broad range of strategies to solve multiplication and division problems with whole numbers and decimals.

Have you learnt any thing new?
What is your maths goal?

Week7 Reading

In reading we did reading between the lines on the poster below it shows how to read between the lines and my example of reading between the lines.

What does reading between the lines help you with ?

Thursday 11 June 2020

Painting a mental image in your head

In reading we worked on visualizing/painting a image in your head through descriptive text.
I doubled my task and choose two texts.
Here is my task:

What image do you get when you read these texts?

Weekly Writing T2W9

For writing this week We had to make a narrative paragraph using short,compound and complex sentences.
This is my sentence

A boiling hot day on paradise bay. bathing in the sun and running around have fun. As we gaze at the stars twinkling in the night sky boom, a meteorite shooting down then splash it landed in the water. We went to the next island. The people who looked after the island told us to brush our teeth and make our bed ready for sleep. We walked over to the fire pit and told scary stories while eating s'mores and marshmallows then we hurried off to sleep ready for the next morning.
The island owners woke us up and told us to get ready and brush our teeth than we hurried down to the beach.
can you guess what two sentences are complex, compound or short?

Wednesday 10 June 2020

Rounding and Compensation with DECIMALS and WHOLE NUMBERS

This week in math I have been focusing on rounding and compensation with whole numbers and decimals.
for my task we had to make a DLO that included 6 questions.
I made  a slide here is my DLO

What are you learning in mathematics?

Thursday 4 June 2020

Narrative writing

In writing we did narratives.
We started with making a plot plan.

Than we moved on to making the story
this is what I've done so far
Last left

It was a cold stormy evening. Simba the Amur leopard was running away from a poacher when boom he was shot to the ground it was only the two of us left poachers have been killing Amur leopards for many years. There once were 2000,100,60,10 now 1. As the poacher swang my brother over his shoulder and chucked him in the back of his car I slowly stepped down one  paw in front of the other as I watched the car drive away with my brother hanging over the back of a big white truck.

“Watch out” I quickly turned around and to my surprise I saw a  rhino charging at me. “Ahhhhhhhh!!!” I screamed. The rhino slid to try to stop. I closed my eyes. I was frozen. I was so in shock I couldn't move. The hunter caught up to the rhino, shot him and cut his horn. The mystery Rhino and I ran off leaving the hunter with his horn. We stopped under a tree to catch our breath. I found long strips of leaves and wet them in a clean lake nearby and applied pressure to the rhino's leg where he got shot. “Big” “what” I answered “my name is big cause I was the biggest out of all the baby rhino’s”. We ended up staying there. As we were losing daylight.

Wake up I could feel something pounding on my chest “wake up wake up” repeated the voice. Then wack ouch what was that for “p...p...p...poachers!” I shot up from under the tree. Fewf it was just a dream. I lay back down broom broom broom. But there was a noise. It was getting louder and louder. I couldn't sleep. I woke up and blinked a few times. I saw a car similar to the one my brother was hanging over but it was a blue version of the truck “arg” I couldn’t move “wake up get up Hunter! The hunter! Quickly get up”. Big started panting. It sounded like she was having an asthma attack .

Big we gotta run, how's your leg holding up. It's fine. Quickly lets go. 

Stepping up!

Stepping up math task
For math we had had to pick a strategy to work out four of the questions we choose.
here is my D.L.O (digital learning object
this is the math that I did this week

What is your favorite strategy?

Reading challenges

This week for reading we had to read at least three books of different genres.
our goal is to be able to read across genera than we had to pick three or more different tasks.
I read Netflix, Amulet and saber-toothed cats.
here are the task I have completed:
Amulet:Adventure and Fantasy
Saber toothed cats: history and facts

Netflix: non- fiction
Netflix it's purpose to
Entertain all viewers
Two million dollars to get Netflix started
Founded in 1997 by Marc Randolph and Reed Hastings 
Loved by many with lots of series and movies to watch
In fact there are 68 million users per day.
X-rays are a no as there is no physical risk in watching Netflix.

What genres do you like to read? 

Wednesday 3 June 2020

What is Pentecost?

What is Pentecost?
for R.E this week we have been learning about the seven gifts.
here is an image of what I've created

Have you ever felt the holy spirit working in you?