
Thursday 4 June 2020

Narrative writing

In writing we did narratives.
We started with making a plot plan.

Than we moved on to making the story
this is what I've done so far
Last left

It was a cold stormy evening. Simba the Amur leopard was running away from a poacher when boom he was shot to the ground it was only the two of us left poachers have been killing Amur leopards for many years. There once were 2000,100,60,10 now 1. As the poacher swang my brother over his shoulder and chucked him in the back of his car I slowly stepped down one  paw in front of the other as I watched the car drive away with my brother hanging over the back of a big white truck.

“Watch out” I quickly turned around and to my surprise I saw a  rhino charging at me. “Ahhhhhhhh!!!” I screamed. The rhino slid to try to stop. I closed my eyes. I was frozen. I was so in shock I couldn't move. The hunter caught up to the rhino, shot him and cut his horn. The mystery Rhino and I ran off leaving the hunter with his horn. We stopped under a tree to catch our breath. I found long strips of leaves and wet them in a clean lake nearby and applied pressure to the rhino's leg where he got shot. “Big” “what” I answered “my name is big cause I was the biggest out of all the baby rhino’s”. We ended up staying there. As we were losing daylight.

Wake up I could feel something pounding on my chest “wake up wake up” repeated the voice. Then wack ouch what was that for “p...p...p...poachers!” I shot up from under the tree. Fewf it was just a dream. I lay back down broom broom broom. But there was a noise. It was getting louder and louder. I couldn't sleep. I woke up and blinked a few times. I saw a car similar to the one my brother was hanging over but it was a blue version of the truck “arg” I couldn’t move “wake up get up Hunter! The hunter! Quickly get up”. Big started panting. It sounded like she was having an asthma attack .

Big we gotta run, how's your leg holding up. It's fine. Quickly lets go. 

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