
Friday 12 June 2020

Writing W7

In writing I made narrative story using complex, compound and short sentences. use this photo

In our writing workshop we also looked at using a shade o meter witch is to see if a word is more or less than.
Here is a snip it of my story.
Just another scorching hot day in paradise. Me, Grace, Megan and Eilish all won a trip to paradise bay. Megan and I raced down to the beach, while EIlish and Grace went for a quick stroll through the bush.
Then boom something came flying from the sky but couldn’t get through as if there was a shield of some sort.
I looked around but no one seemed to notice, it’s as if I was the only one who saw it, like I was imagining things.
“Megan did you see that” I asked her,  “yea I saw that bird fly in and take your sandwich how rude” she replied then she started babbling about something else but I didn’t quite catch it as my attention was focused at something else it looks like meteorite, I think, could it be, What might be in it I had so many questions as I glared at the rocky object. Just as I started to walk in to touch it Megan grabbed my arm and asked me what I was doing. I turned back but did not see the rock just Grace and Eilish looking at me weirdly. It was official I was going crazy. “What are you doing” asked Grace with a very confused tone. “Umm just running to say hi to you how was it did you see heaps of cool things tell me everything”. 
As we walked back to the small hut with Megan and Eilish right behind Grace told me...

What do you think happened next?
can you guess where all the short sentences are?

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