
Tuesday 25 August 2020

writing T3 W5

 Hi, For writing this week we had to manage finishing a 3 minute speech.

Here is one of my favorite paragraphs.

There are starving kids around the world with no access to safe and nutritious food. In 2019 690 million people didn’t get the right nourishment, getting the correct nutrition is a huge part of health, in fact not getting enough nutrition stunts physical and mental development. 

my speech ended up being 3 minutes and 30 seconds 

What was your favorite paragraph i your speech?

what did you think of mine? 

Thursday 20 August 2020

Math T3 W4

Hello, For math this week me and my buddy Grace had to do and three questions for problem solving this week.

Here is what I did.

What do you think about our work?

What did you do?

Maths T3 W5

Hi, this week for math we had to find out 3 different questions here is a photo of mine and my buddys working

What did you do in maths?

Wednesday 12 August 2020

Writing T3 W4

Hello and welcome, For reading I worked more on my zero hunger. In my workshop we had to turn the statistics we found and our rhetorical questions into sentences than we had to add the damage its caused the challenge than specify the problem.

Here is my favorite sentence. this is one of my statistics.
150,000 us tons.
That is the average amount of food wastage a day per household in America. 
Did you know that  3.1 million children die a year due to hunger and not getting enough nutrition worldwide.

What do you think about the issue?

Reading T3 W4

Hi For reading this week we got to pick a persuasive text the book I read  a book about letting dogs stay on beaches as they had read something about banning dogs from beaches here is what I think.

If you're banning or taking something away from another living species you have to really think about how this affects people who have a dog and live near a beach but also why people don’t want dogs.

Personally I agree with the author being a person who likes to take their grandpas dog on a run along the beach. I think the owner should know their dog and can decide if they should be on a leash or not. 

One of the things the author didn’t look into is why people don’t like having dogs on the beach. 

As a person who walks along new Brighton a lot I find it quite frustrating having poop everywhere. But that's the owners fault. Having a dog is having responsibility.

But what if you didn’t have poo bags on you?

Personally I wouldn't know as I always have mine but if this did happen I think I would finish my walk then go back to get the poo.

I think a fair way to solve this would be to let the dog walk or run along the beach but make sure you have them on a leash around other dogs and pick up their poop. Maybe there could be parts where dogs aren’t allowed but they should be able to walk alongside their owner.

Some questions I have for the author are

I think they could have included some bad things about dog this was based on more opinion than facts

New thinking

Under Trained dogs and irresponsible owners are very annoying

What do you think about the issue?
Where do you stand?

Friday 7 August 2020

Reading T3W2

This week in reading we kept on looking at the fantastics.
we look at positive and negative intent with the author.
I was away for two days doing a basket ball tournament and cross country zones.

When writing what intent do you usually use?

Thursday 6 August 2020

Reading T3W3

Hello, welcome back
For reading this week we got int buddy's mine was Maia.
Here is the screencastify we made explaining what we had to do and what we think about robots.

What do you think about robots?
should they evolve with a risk?
or be destroyed and stay how they are? 

Writing T3 W2

In writing we did more on our Hansel and Gretel story's.

here are the next paragraphs that I have wrote
Hansel and I jumped away from the house. we could hear crunching footsteps coming from the dark gloomy forest. The pale dinky old lady waddled out of the forest. She had dropping baggy checks and wrinkled skin like scrunched up paper or when your fingers have been in the bath tub for a long time. Her grey hair was as greasy as chips that have just bathed in oil. She wobbled over to her house slower than a snail. She screeched in a high pitched voice “oh dear what has happened to my house” Hansel shaking in fear whimpered “I’m sorry madam it just looked so good”.

The colourful hunched back lady carefully walked up her bitten ginger stairs and invited us in, fearful Hansel and I followed her into the sugary house. She let us sit on her bubble gum sofa. Hansel obviously chipped off a piece and started to chew.

The little old lady was feeding us every hour minute and second she gave Hansel the crunchiest cheddar cheese chips, perfect plum pudding she gave him so much chicken there were bursting barrels of bones he ate jam jelly and ginormous green grapes. Hansel and I were getting bigger and fatter, we kept on growing and growing until we became the fattest, largest and the most widest children alive. While the witch thought her plan was working, Hansel and I were devising a plan. You see Hansel noticed after the witches change in the kitchen He noticed that she gave him an apple and said it was a cherry. 

What do you think or know will happen next?

Writing T3 W3

For writing were doing persuasive writing.
we had to pick a goal out of the four
No poverty, Zero hunger, Good education and Health and well being.
I chose zero hunger.
Our next task was to find statistics and make rhetorical questions.
Two statistics that I found very interesting were...
The average american house hold wastes 150,000 us tons A DAY!!.
3.1 MILLION CHILDREN DIE a YEAR from lack of food and nutrition.
some of my rhetorical questions were
DO get proper meals and the right nutrition?
have you every gone to school hungry from not eating at all?
do get fed on a daily basis?
well lots of kids do.

What do you think about this topic?
Witch goal would/have you picked?