
Thursday 6 August 2020

Writing T3 W2

In writing we did more on our Hansel and Gretel story's.

here are the next paragraphs that I have wrote
Hansel and I jumped away from the house. we could hear crunching footsteps coming from the dark gloomy forest. The pale dinky old lady waddled out of the forest. She had dropping baggy checks and wrinkled skin like scrunched up paper or when your fingers have been in the bath tub for a long time. Her grey hair was as greasy as chips that have just bathed in oil. She wobbled over to her house slower than a snail. She screeched in a high pitched voice “oh dear what has happened to my house” Hansel shaking in fear whimpered “I’m sorry madam it just looked so good”.

The colourful hunched back lady carefully walked up her bitten ginger stairs and invited us in, fearful Hansel and I followed her into the sugary house. She let us sit on her bubble gum sofa. Hansel obviously chipped off a piece and started to chew.

The little old lady was feeding us every hour minute and second she gave Hansel the crunchiest cheddar cheese chips, perfect plum pudding she gave him so much chicken there were bursting barrels of bones he ate jam jelly and ginormous green grapes. Hansel and I were getting bigger and fatter, we kept on growing and growing until we became the fattest, largest and the most widest children alive. While the witch thought her plan was working, Hansel and I were devising a plan. You see Hansel noticed after the witches change in the kitchen He noticed that she gave him an apple and said it was a cherry. 

What do you think or know will happen next?

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