
Wednesday 12 August 2020

Reading T3 W4

Hi For reading this week we got to pick a persuasive text the book I read  a book about letting dogs stay on beaches as they had read something about banning dogs from beaches here is what I think.

If you're banning or taking something away from another living species you have to really think about how this affects people who have a dog and live near a beach but also why people don’t want dogs.

Personally I agree with the author being a person who likes to take their grandpas dog on a run along the beach. I think the owner should know their dog and can decide if they should be on a leash or not. 

One of the things the author didn’t look into is why people don’t like having dogs on the beach. 

As a person who walks along new Brighton a lot I find it quite frustrating having poop everywhere. But that's the owners fault. Having a dog is having responsibility.

But what if you didn’t have poo bags on you?

Personally I wouldn't know as I always have mine but if this did happen I think I would finish my walk then go back to get the poo.

I think a fair way to solve this would be to let the dog walk or run along the beach but make sure you have them on a leash around other dogs and pick up their poop. Maybe there could be parts where dogs aren’t allowed but they should be able to walk alongside their owner.

Some questions I have for the author are

I think they could have included some bad things about dog this was based on more opinion than facts

New thinking

Under Trained dogs and irresponsible owners are very annoying

What do you think about the issue?
Where do you stand?

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