
Thursday 30 July 2020

Math T3 W2

For problem solving this week kate was my math buddy.
At first we struggled a bit but ended up finishing both questions here is a picture of my work.



Do you do problem solving?
Do you like math?

Maths T3 W1

For math we the teachers had a new approach instead of doing goals and ticking them off were doing problem solving with a  buddy here is mine and Harriet's for the week.

What did you learn/do in math this week?

T3 W1 writing

in our writing workshop we had to start a story on Hansel and Gretel in our workshop we described them walking into the forest and finding the ginger bread house.
here are my sentences
The somber forlorn forest was like an endless pit of darkness and silence; it made Hansel feel dismal; It had daunting branches that curved in like hands about to grab you. Walking deeper into mysterious woods who know what awaits. “I'm petrified” muttered Hansel “when can we go home!” soon I answered deep down knowing we may never find a way home, 
We walked further into the forest trying to find a way to get out. Going deeper and deeper into the 
I smelt something pleasant. It was chocolaty and yet fruity with a delightful minty smell and a kick off ginger all in one wafting in the air. I looked down at my stomach. Hansel was also looking like a skeleton. We were fading away. We had to follow this scrumptious smell. 

After walking and walking endlessly we just kept on walking. we arrived at what looked like a candy house. It had gummies and cookies all around with thick frosting on the roof. No matter how ravenous we were, we didn't want to eat the house. What if some creepy person lived there so we waited, we waited anxiously just waiting and waiting. We were waiting for a long time. We were sure someone had abandoned this house but why?.

Hansel couldn't take it any longer he pounced out from behind the tree and took one big bite at the house. I went to go grab him but the smell hooked me in. I couldn’t resist. I had to get a bite and it was only gonna be one bite I swear. I picked a corner off the roof. It was light and chewy but salty at the same time it made me very piquant. I had to have another bite. I shattered a part of the window. It was crunchy and tasted like a thinly glazed coating of sugar  “Hansel stop!’’. He was eating off the bottom what if the house fell we shouldn't do that the house might collapse.

Hansel and I jumped away from the house.

come next week to see the next part of this story!

Do you know the story of Hansel and Gretel?
Do you like to write?
What do you think will happen next?

Thursday 23 July 2020

Reading! T3W1

The fantastic s!

In our reading we focused on the fantastic the fantastic stands for
for our task we had the two options to either get 9 sentences using them or finishing the red riding hood story from the work shop I chose the second option here is my slide on it I have highlighted all the fantasic's that were used

Do you use fantastic in your writing?
can you spot even more that I may have missed?

Thursday 2 July 2020


For our communication reflection we played some games one of my favorite games that we played was when we had an envelope with cut up cards than you traded with other groups to get a full card and after 1 minute of collecting cards we had to see who had the most we didn't win but over all the game was really fun.

The next activity was one person from our group stood up the front of the class with people from every other group. than they got a piece of paper with a pattern of multi link cubes on it. Than there was a runner they had to got told were to put the cubes with out seeing the paper than they would run back and tell the builder. I was the runner. my group was the first group finished but we didn't win cos we got two blocks mixed up.

What was your favorite activity?
or what activity sounds most fun that you would want to try?

Wednesday 1 July 2020


Goal: Use reference sources to check meanings and find new words.  
I got one of my sentences and highlighted my changes 

Why I chose Kate Sheppard

Although there are many reasons why I chose Kate Sheppard, the main one is the way she inspires and influences women and children everywhere to stand up for what is truly right. This to me is what makes Kate Sheppard worthy and a truly admirable person. She has struggled and fought for equality so that the rest of us didn’t.
If there is something that I have learnt from Kate Sheppard it’s that you have to stand up for what you truly believe is right for the rest of humanity. 
The future is formed with what we chose to do now.

do you think Kate Sheppard is worthy and admirable?
if so why?