
Thursday 30 April 2020

Lock down learning! RE

For my first task of learning in lock down we had to create a poster, quiz or crossword about the Beatitudes. I made a poster using canva and kahoot quiz.
here is part my ending product...

How is you online learning so far?
do you live out the beatitudes every day?

Thursday 23 April 2020

Maths! T2 W2

This week for Maths online I did a statistical investigation.
First we had to pick either year 7/8's across NZ or on covid-19 I chose covid-19.
Next we had to pick 2 variables I chose DHBs and Recovered cases
Than we had to gather info or data and put it onto any sort of graph I made a bar graph using google sheets.
After that I put all my info on to a google drawing and added two statements.
Here it is:

Have you learnt anything new?

Thursday 16 April 2020

Math in lockdown

For my maths this week our goal was to use a broad range of strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems with whole numbers and or decimals.

We had to make a screencastify showing how to do Rounding and Compensating,
Equal Adjustments or Reversibility I choose Equal adjustment.

Next I had to choose a practice question out of all he ones we did I choose 7652 - 1990.

After that I had to make the screencastify solving the question of we choose which we choose, with one of the three strategies that we picked.

I made a slide and screen recorded it using screencastify.

The next day I had to go onto a video call and show my group and teacher my screencastify. (I just showed my slide)

Here is my slide.

I hope you enjoyed it and if you didn't already know how to do equal adjustments with whole numbers I hope you've learned something new?
What was math goal and create task?
What are you doing in math?
Are you enjoying the learning from home?

writing learning in lock down

For writing this week we had to get a paragraph from our report our goal is to
Use reference sources to check meanings and find new words. 
Then we had to edit/rework our chosen paragraph.

Here is mine.

In 1885 Kate Sheppard founded WCTU (women's christian temperance union). Two years later Kate Sheppard became the leader of it’s suffrage campaign. The goal for the WCTU was to protect the home from all evil influences and strengthen family life. It’s main objective was to help stop abstinence from alcohol.

In 1885 Kate Sheppard founded the WCTU (Women's Christian Temperance Union). Two years later Kate Sheppard became the leader of it’s suffrage campaign. The goal for WCTU was to protect the home from all evil influences and bolster family life. However it’s main objective was to help stop abstinence from alcohol.

How is your online learning going ?
What is or was your writing task this week?

Wednesday 15 April 2020

Week 7 writing

For writing this week we had to make any form of presentation on how to make a biography.

has this helped you?