
Thursday 23 April 2020

Maths! T2 W2

This week for Maths online I did a statistical investigation.
First we had to pick either year 7/8's across NZ or on covid-19 I chose covid-19.
Next we had to pick 2 variables I chose DHBs and Recovered cases
Than we had to gather info or data and put it onto any sort of graph I made a bar graph using google sheets.
After that I put all my info on to a google drawing and added two statements.
Here it is:

Have you learnt anything new?


  1. Hi Frankie
    Wow that's some great work there. I really like your poster and graph, it has some very interesting statistics. Did you enjoy researching this information?


    1. Hi Steve
      thank you for your kind feedback. I did enjoy researching this and I found the topic quite interesting.
      Thank you!:)


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