
Thursday 24 June 2021

would you do 60 sky dives, in under 24 hours, but naked!?

 This week we had the task to read three articles and put them into different genres I found some quite interesting but really fun to read.

Title; Man makes 60 naked skydives in 24 hours

Genre: Interest article/ Odd stuff

Sub genre: International/ World

My thoughts on this article- I think its a weird thing to do but the purpose behind it is rely cool personally I wouldn't do this (even if my friend passed) but it awesome to him make a mark as it was for his 100th jump!

Title; Lisa Carrington entered in 4 Olympic events

Genre: Sport

Sub genre: National

my opinion- I think its awesome to see some one do extra for was she loves.

Title; Tornado hits South Auckland

Genre: National

My opinion- I think it's sad that someone died but luckily only 2 were injured.

Friday 18 June 2021

Maths T2 W6

 For week six we were in our home bases for the first time and for maths we had to blog the activities we made for top team.

mine was a maze in the dark I only measured out on side than doubled it as the maze would be symmetrical for both teams.

Maths knowledge

 This week Kaupeka had a new task of maths knowledge where we completed a goal to get ticked off we all had different questions. my goal was rounding decimal appropriately.

Here were the questions I had;

And here is my answers;

What goals are you working on?

Friday 11 June 2021

Reading T2 W6

In reading this week we were in our classes for reading we made a character web based on a fictional book I read Weir. Do.
here is my task

What books have you read recently?