
Thursday 20 February 2020

Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Te Tiriti o Waitangi

Here is mine and Alice's ending product.


Did you learn any thing?
What are your thoughts on the treaty?

Math week 3

our goal for this week was to relate three-dimensional models to two-dimensional representations and vice versa. For our create task we had to complete three tasks and do an I-symmetric drawing here is mine.


task 1:

For the first task we had to match the three 2D images to the 3D image

task 2:

For the second task we had to fill in the boxes putting the 2D view from the front, side and top.

task 3:

For task three we had to match the 3D shapes to what it would look like before being folded into a 3D shape.

What are you re-learning in math?

Wednesday 19 February 2020

Do you want virus free hands?

For writing this week our goal was understand the purposes for writing and how to achieve those purposes. We had to do a procedure on how to wash your hands.

Here is how to have clean virus free hands!

At the end you should have clean virus free hands.

Materials: you will need a tap that provides enough water and soap to cover your hands and wrists and a paper towel.

Put soap on your hands make sure there is enough for your whole hand. You also want to get it around your wrist. Then rub.

Turn the tap on.

Put your hands under the tap and rub.

Well washing your hands make sure you ...

Get in between your fingers

Rub around your thumbs

For better results put your hands  in a inner lock than rub

next rub firmly.

Dry your hands with a towel for 10-12 seconds.

Are your hands virus free?

Papua New Guinea and Caritas

This year Caritas is focusing on Papua New Guinea and spreading hope spreading love how hey are affected by climate change.
For our reading we had to make a poster about Papua New guinea and what Caritas has is and has done.
Here is my finished product.

what are your opinions on what Caritas is doing or has done?
And what are your thoughts about the Papua New Guineas climate crisis?

Tuesday 18 February 2020

2020! so far

welcome to my first blog for 2020.

My goal this year is to strive for my best in all places of learning.
I look forward to the saint Francis of Assisi 2020 fair.

In he holidays I went to Auckland for 3 weeks.
my highlights were my grandmas 90th, my cousins 21st, shopping, my family reunion and seeing everyone again.
I hope you to are enjoying your twenty twenty so far.
What was your favorite part of the holidays and what do you look forward to this year?