
Monday 27 September 2021

Damp Camp

Two weeks ago we went on camp this inspired our writing task this week, witch was to write about how we incorporated the 6C's during our camp activities.

The 6C's are 

Collaboration,Creativity,Communication,Critical Thinking,Character,Global Citizenship

Here is what I wrote.

On the 13th of September 2021 the Kaupeka hub headed to YMCA Wainui camp to learn and challenge ourselves during activities. We did this because it's part of outdoor education and to strengthen our bond with other classmates. Most of the time the weather was wet but this didn’t make the activities any less fun. During the day from most of Monday to Thursday we were in our activity groups. Mine was called the dominators and it consisted of 11 people such as Grace, Kate, Mostyn, ET, Lucas, Max F, Blake, Izzy, Dakota and Molly.

My favorite activity was high ropes because it was fun and challenging. During this activity I showed character when I couldn’t get from the rock wall up to the spinning handlebars. However I managed to hook my leg over and pull myself over the wooden bar onto the next part of the challenge thanks to all my team's encouragement.

I showed creativity during self lead school activity because I came up with a way we could get the ball to go slower and keep it controlled this resulted to us getting a time of more than 40 seconds.

When we got to camp we did a small rotation of team building activities. During this we showed collaboration  mainly in land skiing when we had to work together to follow a leader. Our strategy was to go left right with the person at the front calling the movements.

I showed communication when we did search and rescue. This activity involved finding Bob and all his belongings. We completed this using walkie talkies and discussed where we were at all times. At the end we all came together in the chapel to search for our last item, the shoe. We ended up completing this as a team.

I didn’t get the chance to show critical thinking or global citizenship. But I will show all of these 6 c’s in my day to day life when I’m faced with challenges and other opportunities to display them.

whitch one of the 6C's do you need help with?

Tuesday 21 September 2021

Be Poem

 This week we discussed what being part of a community looks like and how we can benefit each other than we talked about what communities we are in I'm in the church, school, sports and family community. 

We than made a poem about things we will try to be here's mine.

What communities are you in?

Thursday 9 September 2021

Week 7 workshops


This week for reading we focused on the goal skimming and scamming. skimming and scamming is a skill you can use to pick out important details and ignore the non important things. To show I could do this goal I read a set off instructions without knowing the end results.

I made scones with theses instructions.

here is what I made.

I ate mine with jam and butter

What do you like to eat with your scones?


In writing we made our own instructions mine were how to make a basic origami butter fly I chose this because its very easy especially for beginners who are just starting out.

here's the instructions I made. 

have you ever written instructions of your own? If so did someone test them and were they successful?

This week for maths we made a structure from around the world I used a toilet roll to make the leaning tower of Pisa I stood it against a mini pyramid to get the leaning effect. 
here's an image of my work from the front angle.

If you could go any where in the world where would it be?

Thursday 2 September 2021

Maths T3 W6

 For maths I did a timeline statistical investigation about the covid cases over August from 4 different than I added 2 statements and showed my working to back them.

countries here is my DLO:

what countries cases surprised you the most?

pandemic poems

 This week for writing we took a break from speeches and got to make any poems of our choice I chose lock down. I than made 3 haiku's and a mostly rhyming poem.

Here is my work.

How is lock down going for you?

Healthy Hobbies for Happiness

This week we read about the good impact having a hobby can have on your happiness I made a canva about 10 hobbies you could try in lock down

because mine was made on canva I couldn't embed it so I had to use screenshots.

What hobbies do you have?, Would you consider trying any of these? 

Thursday 26 August 2021

Maths T3-W5

In my Maths workshop this week we had to answer 2 questions and make our own than show how we did this and screencastify over it.

Here is my DLO from this week

here is one of the other questions that you could try to solve. Alice spends 3/10 of her pocket money on food and 2/5 on entertainment. The rest she saves. Compare the amount Alice saves with the amount she spends on food?