
Friday 26 March 2021

Writing T1 W7/8

 For the last two weeks we've been focusing towards making an artical.

Mine was about messy cubbies.

Here is my work,


Whats your opinion on the messy cubbies?

Thursday 25 March 2021

Reading T1 W7/8

 For the last two weeks we've had to the task to create something that we think Christchurch needs.

I made A VR bird sanctuary witch is named Manu Mania and would be located in the red zone.

 The books I read before making this were painting the town, Rebuilding Christchurch with amazing ideas and Cabbage tree.

Here was my create:

If you could what would you make in Christchurch?, Why would you make it?, What would it do?, How would it work and Where would it be?

Maths T1 W8

 This week our goal was to complete a statistical investigation.

Here is my task.

As you can see I have chosen to do it about winter sport and used a bar graph to show my work.

What are you interested about?

Wednesday 17 March 2021

Maths T1 W7

 This week the whole hub had the same Maths goal witch was to 

Communicate and interpret locations and directions, using compass directions, distances, and grid references.

here is my create task for the week

Do you think you could walk that far in one go?

If so how long do you think it would take you?

Thursday 11 March 2021

Pa Week!

This week Reading, Writing and Maths were all linked to Pas.

For reading we had to chose to read from a selection of books than make our own advertisement on a Pa.
For writing Etuini and I made a video on why you should buy our pa that we designed in

And lastly for maths we had to design our own Pa and work out the perimeter and the area

What were your tasks for the week?

Friday 5 March 2021

Reading T1 W5

 This week for reading my goal was to make connections between other texts and general knowledge to expand meaning and pose questions, using more sophisticated texts.

here's the three way venn diagram that I made.

did you learn anything new?

 if not what knowledge did you have before reading this?