
Thursday 15 August 2019

Winter sports

Welcome back to another amazing blog for today's post I will be telling you about my experiences with soccer.

This year I decided to try a new sport. My first choice was actually rugby but I didn't get into the team so I got put into the B soccer team as it was my 2nd choice and sure I was a little sad that I didn't get into the rugby team but how bad can soccer be? Now soccer's not a sport you would usually see me playing but it's something new and you never died from change and some times change can be good my experience with soccer was good in fact this is a sport that I might try again another time. I may not be the best but there is a lot of time for improvement. I then moved into the A team because they were down a player. The boys in the team were really good at soccer and I can see why they were in the A team they were at a much higher level than I was. The boys were definitely a big help. They taught me lots of new skills and tips that made playing soccer a lot easier for me I don't know how I would of lasted half of this season with out them. They were a very good team when it came to playing on the field. They worked well together and communicated really well too. I remember this one time I went to go kick the ball and I completely missed the ball and almost fell over  but that was around the start of the year now I can kick a ball without almost falling back even if it doesn't go where I was hoping.
We win we lose and we improve!!
Here is an image of my team

Well that's it about my team for today also....
Do you do winter sports?
If so what sport?
If not are you thinking about doing any winter sport?
if you are I suggest soccer or netball but if your looking for something a little more rough than rugby!
well that's it for today😇

Tuesday 13 August 2019

The Lego Challenge!

On the 5th of august Rachel from the house of bricks came into our hub and set up three different challenges.

The first challenge that my class did was to make a bridge that had to be 15 center meters long, it had to hold 7 chapter books and one very heavy pencil case some bridges were relay long and could hold most of the books but then came along the pencil case our bridge was nice and sturdy we ended up holding all of the books and pencil case than we pulled the tables apart a bit we pulled our table out to 41 center meters than we let some one else have a turn but I truly believe that we could have gone longer.
Here is our bridge.

The second challenge that we did was the tallest tower we had to make a tall tower out of Lego. Me charlie and jasper won. But the rest of the class had don really well considering there towers were actually stable. our tower fell down about 7 times but we built it back together.
Here is us building our tower

our last challenge was to create two car that race down a ramp the first car that Charlie and I choose to make was the block car. At the start of making the car Rachel gave us a hint: longer is better. Me and charlie than made a long base for the car than we attached the wheels after that we tested it but it didn't work very well than Rachel said to try put more wait, less wait, longer, more wheels or less wheels in other words she wanted us to try every thing till it worked. After hearing what Rachel had said to us Charlie and I than added more blocks to see what would happen it still wasn't the best but it was better so I added more weight my idea was to put more weight in the front than in the back so that when rolling down the ramp hopefully the wait from the front will drag it and make it faster when going down.
I than headed over to the ramp to test it once again it got better but could still be better I left it on the table it was good enough. I went to go help Charlie with the Technic cars this 2nd part of the challenge was slightly harder but had better tires we had to connect the tires with the axle but wile doing that you had to use these tire stopper thing's that go at the end of the tire and on the axle so the tire doesn't come of and you also had to make sure the tires didn't rub against each other or the frame other wise it wouldn't move so to stop them from coming in and rubbing against each other or on the frame we use another one of those tire stopper things than we added the frame to attach the tires on to the axle.
sorry if I made this very hard to understand.

have you ever done a Lego challenge? 
If so what were your challenges?
and how did you get on with them?