
Tuesday 23 July 2019

People power!

This term in reading we have been reading about the environment. I have enjoyed reading People power. It was about how people should bike instead of walking or taking a car
For reading this week, my group read: Not Your Typical Book About the Environment.

The new ideas I have now since I have read this text are:
Make a biking group to reduce gasses and get more exercise
If can not do the above I will still try to bike to school
IF I CAN NOT DO EITHER OF THESE things I WILL THEN TAKE ANY PUBLIC TRANSPORT LIKE A BUS                                       
Or I might just car pull with another friend
                                                                                                                                                                    I now better understand the harm that taking a car can make and if you start biking how much change it can make.
Here is a poster of my learning:
you got this we can bike for the better of our world!!