
Thursday 26 August 2021

Maths T3-W5

In my Maths workshop this week we had to answer 2 questions and make our own than show how we did this and screencastify over it.

Here is my DLO from this week

here is one of the other questions that you could try to solve. Alice spends 3/10 of her pocket money on food and 2/5 on entertainment. The rest she saves. Compare the amount Alice saves with the amount she spends on food?

growth mindset reading

This week we have been learning about the mindsets. There are two type of mindsets as explained in my DLO below. We had to read 3 texts and watch a video about having the mindset of a champion after this we filled out two templates and researched a person here is my work.

I have a fixed mindset when it comes to learning new languages.

What do you have a fixed mindset about?

Tuesday 17 August 2021

Science DLO- T3, Grit

 For our grit task we had to make a quote about grit to motivate us when were feeling low, prior to doing this task we did two five minute work outs and pushed through them.

Here is my DLO:

How do you display grit?

Thursday 12 August 2021

Reading T3 W2&3- inner peace

This week we've been looking at inner peace and what it looks like to us.
We had to colour in peace signs and write what inner peace looks like to us.
some things that I wrote on my peace sign were:
friends, family, calm, meditate, fun, love, joy I than included the four walls of Te Whare Tapa Whā witch are social, physical , emotional and mental.

What do the walls mean?
social is about how we interact and care for others it's also about the relation ships we build for others
mental and emotional is the way we view ourselves and our self worth and how we express our feelings 
spiritual is about our beliefs and what we are passionate about. 

here is my peace symbol

what wall are you most connected to?

Maths Knowledge

 For maths knowledge this week I did an easy goal as it was only buffed.

Goal: recall all multiplication facts to 12x12=

here are my questions

Here are my answers

Is this goal easy for you aswell?

Wednesday 4 August 2021

Science DLO-T3, Emotional literacy

For science we had 3 different rotations, here is the task from my second rotation emotional literacy, for this task we had to fill out the template below about how certain things make us fell.

How are feeling?