
Friday 28 September 2018

This term our Project Based Learning (P B L) has been about cultural stories and our driving  question was;

 What is the significance in the 21st Century of our Cultural stories?

 First we brainstormed what culture is and came up with lots of ideas.  Culture is……

 Then we thought about our own culture and talked to our parents about our traditions and heritage. 

 I wrote a post about my family and things we like to do.

 In Literacy we read and discussed myths and legends from around the world then we concentrated 

 on Maori legends. I read…. I have written my own legend called/I retold the legend of... in my own words.

 We made a performance about the story Battle of the Mountains.
Some students wrote the script, some students took on the job of making all the artwork,
some worked hard on organising the music and others took on the role of bringing the story alive with
dance and drama.

here are some photos of what we did in the production

 here is the guitar group ... including the one with out a guitar

 here are the bush men they are really funny and they dance on the side of everyone 

 this is Dylan and Leo they control all the music and sound effects


 For our production I contributed by...making up my own part in the play I played the wizard with
a friend called Lucas me and him had lots of fun making up our part 

 I think the show might impact on others by… family, friends and teachers feel like they know more
about the Maori culture

 What I learned about working with others was … you can get things done faster in a group more
than being individual