
Tuesday 28 August 2018

My learning

This year for learning we have been doing so many fun and exciting things but for now I will be sharing about my P.B.L

so lately in the hub we have recently just finished doing our P.B.L.[ or in other words project based learning] we did physical activity,nutrition,mindfulness and  brain science for physical activity we focused on our mussels and exercise we also looked into our pulses and felt our heart beats  we also after that we searched up an athlete and found there sport and what mussels they use then at the end we added there quality's they have as an athlete and I did and I think  the quality that my athlete has are are Positive has grit and Perseverance Confident and  believes in himself and the mussels were Hamstring,Quadriceps,gastrocnemius,Trapezius,Deltoid and Biceps
 we also did some stretches and put what mussels it stretches when we finished  my class did mindfulness for mindfulness I wasn't there because I was on holiday in Auckland for the Bruno mars  concert  after that when I got back we did nutrition and for nutrition we did a cool drawing and it looked like this all we did to make our own one of these was go on to a website then after that we type in the words that you want to go onto your picture and if you want you can change the font and colour and you can find a shape or for  your picture then you download it and upload it.After that we searched the web for a drink bottle put 6 reasons why we should drink water and why water is good for us and I put stay hydrated 2.lets us have energy 3.helps our food to grow 4.helps us when we have a head aches 5.keeps us clean 6.water help us next my class moved on to brain science for brain science the first thing we did was take a test and that test helped us find our multiple intelligence and my multiple intelligence or dominant smart my dominant smart was body smart and music smart and that doesn't surprise me much because I do a few sport that i absolutely love and I also play two instruments guitar and ukulele we also looked at a brain slide and one of the things we did was look at a picture and memorise t but we did't know we had to remember it so at the end when the teacher asked us we did get a lot but not as much as there was or that we could of got because we did not memorise it although.We got most of it we got and the score was  around 70/100 and so over all it was petty good in my opinion so over all we got a good score and after that we named the different parts of the brain like Cerebellum-controls movements Cerebrum-special areas witch receives messages Brain stem-keeping things working Nerves send messages and well that is it  from me

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